Tuesday 30 August 2016

Video: Mums Vs Maids! Spending More Time with Your Kids

Do you give your maid time off? In Singapore, anyone who does not give their domestic workers their legal days off may be prosecuted as it has been passed into law to prosecute anyone who doesn’t. It was discovered that some parents deliberately don’t give time off or ‘buy out’ their maids’ days off so they can spend extra time to work.
A petition, #Igiveadayoff was started about a year ago where people pledged their support to treat their domestic workers equally and give them legal rights as other workers.

This should also be applicable everywhere in the world because apart from the reason behind the campaign, what is also key is the importance of spending more time with children.  More time with your kids strengthen parent – child relationship and stronger bonds are established. Mums and dads alike can connect with their kids and be more involved with their lives especially in their budding ages.

Parents have to work to support the family and the usual option is to leave the kids in the hands of caregivers but take a back seat and think; how much time do you versus the nanny/babysitter/maid spend with your kids? How much do you know your kids? Do you think parenting is adequate or inadequate if the kids spend less time with you than they spend with the caregivers/maid/nannies?

Watch the video below and share your thoughts.

Video Credit: You Tube/#Igiveadayoff

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  1. Whether we work or not, if you plan your schedule well. You can include ur kids.its more important than anything else.

  2. Bottom line, always make out time for the children

  3. I was reading some comments on a similar topic and some parents were saying, they are not cut out to take care of kids, so why have kids of you can't dedicate time to spend with them, every time you maids are not available is a red alert. Too bad!

  4. I was reading some comments on a similar topic and some parents were saying, they are not cut out to take care of kids, so why have kids of you can't dedicate time to spend with them, every time you maids are not available is a red alert. Too bad!


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