Sunday 1 May 2016

8 Easy Home Remedies for Cough.

Have you ever had that kind of cough that persists even when you use several over-the-counter cough medicines? Coughing is a very common health problem and it may be accompanied by cold, nasal congestion and itchy throat depending on whether the cough is a dry or productive cough. Here is a list of home remedies for cough due to colds, alleges and sinus infections:

1.    Honey
The value of honey can never be over emphasized. Mix honey with warm water and lemon juice for sore throat and cough. You can also simply just take a table spoonful of honey about 3 times daily. Give 1 teaspoon to kids but never give honey to infants under one year of age.
2.      Ginger
Cut fresh ginger into pieces, Crush slightly or Grate, add some water and bring to boil. Let it cool, strain and drink mixture 3-4 times a day or as needed. You can add lemon juice and honey to it. Keep refrigerated. It’s also okay to chew ginger raw if you can.
3.      Garlic
Cut garlic cloves into pieces; add some lemon juice and honey. Allow to stand for a while, drink mixture 3-4 times a day. It helps to relieve cough and aid easy breathing. Keep refrigerated.
4.      Milk
Drink hot milk with honey especially at night to help dry cough and reduce chest pain experienced from continuous coughing.
5.      Pineapple
Most people don’t usually think of pineapple as a cough remedy but it contains an enzyme called Bromelain which has been found to suppress cough and loosen the mucus in the throat.
6.      Salt
Gargle with salt and warm water, spit out and repeat. Then rinse your mouth with ordinary water. Gargling with salt and water will ease the discomfort caused by coughing.
7.      Steam
Steam inhalation works effectively with cough, cold and nasal congestion. Boil some water and pour in a bowl, you can add some eucalyptus oil. Put a towel over your head, bend over the bowl and breathe in the vapour deeply. Repeat like 2-3 times a day. This will loosen mucus and phlegm and you feel really relieved almost immediately.
Caution: Be careful with this as steam can cause serious burn.
8.      Palm oil
Mix some palm oil and honey, take a table spoonful about 3 times daily. Give 1 teaspoon to kids but never give honey to infants under one year of age.

You should see a doctor if your cough last for longer than two weeks or if you develop a fever or sudden chill as these may be symptoms for some other infection.

Read Also:
The Amazing Health Benefits of Cod Liver Oil.


  1. The Home remedies are so on point

  2. Wow!! I didn't know that.. Definitely useful information

  3. Palm oil mixed with honey/sugar is very effective.

    1. yeah. ive often tried it. thanks for the tips

  4. tried ginger and honey. it's so soothing. Thanks for the tips

  5. Noted... FamilyToolBox on Point

  6. Thanks. thanks for stopping by.


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