Friday 16 September 2016

Brilliant Kids Inherit Their IQ From Their Mothers. How True???

Are you smart, intelligent? Thank your mama.

Did you read my post on why kids’ academics achievements may be due to their parent’s DNA? Where exactly do we get our intelligence from? Mum or Dad?

Here is a new scientific proof that shows that the precise source of our intelligence is from our mums. Awwww!

The study posted in psychology spot states that people are born with conditioned genes that functions differently depending on whether they were transmitted from mummy or daddy.

The intelligence genes are located on the X chromosome and since women carry two X chromosomes while men carry one X and one Y chromosome, women are more likely to pass on their intelligence to their kids. Of course, other genes are passed from father to child but those intelligent genes inherited from the father according to this research, may have little or no impact on the child’s brain, that is to say the genes are only active if it comes from mama.

Also back in 1994, the mothers’ IQ was found to be the best predictor of intelligence in a research by the United States Medical Research Council, Social and Public Sciences Unit. After sampling over 12, 000 people between the ages of 14 to 22 years old selected from different races, socio-economic status and different educational background. The survey showed that they had IQs that varied only 15 points from that of their mothers.

Nevertheless, apart from genes, it is of utmost importance that children bond physically and emotionally with their mothers especially at birth, likewise fathers also play their own roles because according to same study, about 40 to 60 percent of intelligence is hereditary. The remaining percentage depends on stimulation, personal characteristics and the environment. Intelligence drops if we don’t continue to stimulate the brain. The researchers found that the hippocampus (the area of the brain linked with memory, emotions, and navigation) of kids if supported emotionally was ten percent greater than children who do not receive such support to help their intellectual and emotional needs.

Perhaps one can safely add this reason to why one of the benefits of breastfeeding is associated with higher Intelligence. The higher the mother’s 1Q, the higher the breastfed child’s. Just saying!

Our mums are just absolutely amazing! Isn’t this another reason to call your mama remarkable? What’s your take on the research?

Yours truly,

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  1. I always knew women are the smarter ones. Why else would they be able to multi task taking care of the house, the children, the husband and still be in once piece

  2. mums are truly remarkable. thanks to my mama.

  3. The fact dat men have d x chromosome also showcases d possibility of d child iq coming from them. I think it's a 50-50 thingy. Women are so quick to say men determine d sex of d child especially when a family needs a particular gender but wanna take d glory when issues like dis surface. Anyways, una dey try sha at least for making d house a home. Over-remarkable dey worry una. Lolzzzzz.

    1. LOL. oh yeah remarkable, amazing, awwworthy. Thanks



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