Thursday 2 March 2017

World Book Day: A Celebration of Reading

“Once you learn to read, you will be forever free”.
-         Frederick Douglas.
The World Book Day (WBD) is a worldwide celebration of reading, a celebration of books, authors, illustrators and everyone that makes writing a book possible. It is marked annually in over 100 countries around the world on the first Thursday of March while some other countries mark the WBD on April 23rd, the birthday of Williams Shakespeare.

#WorldBookDay is a big happy celebration of reading, celebrating the importance of developing a reading culture especially in young kids. This year marks the 20th anniversary of celebrating the world book day.

To make the celebration even more fun, kids around the world dress up in costumes of their favourite book characters such as little Red riding hood, Harry Potter, Cinderella, Snow White, etc. to celebrate and illustrate the characters in these books.

In the UK, book tokens are given to kids on WBD so every kid can have an opportunity of owing a book and discovering new ones. They can use their token to purchase a book of their choice or get a discount off some books.

Readers are leaders! Parents should read to their children even before they can speak or understand words. Reading to them early in life teaches them to have love and affection for books, it encourages them to explore the pleasures of books and develop a good attitude to reading from an early age.

Children who enjoy reading generally increase their knowledge; improve their vocabulary, do better in reading tests and have better understanding of other cultures.  
It is evident that parents who read to their kids regularly put them ahead when it comes to literacy.

Happy #WorldBookDay!

Remember “A child who reads will grow up to be an adult who thinks”. What are your kid’s favourite books?

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  1. Agreed. Parents who read to their kids put them ahead of their peers in the mastery of knowledge

  2. Readers are leaders. Yes!

  3. True books are the best motivator in everyone's life! :)

  4. Reading broadens ones knowledge.


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